Technical overview

ThinLinc is a Linux Remote Desktop Server largely based on open-source software. This contributes to fast development times and makes the product extremely robust and adaptable. ThinLinc is used to centralize computing resources by converting a regular Linux distribution into a powerful remote desktop server. Aside from centralization our focus areas are security, ease of administration and remote access.

Server system requirements

ThinLinc supports “all” modern Linux distributions that use RPM or DPKG. We have a formal list of requirements in our documentation.

System architecture

ThinLinc’s system architecture is adapted to allow existing infrastructure to be used alongside our product. ThinLinc uses the normal system authentication, allowing integration with eDirectory, Active Directory, NIS, etc. Clustering works great and provide both load balancing and high availability clustering at the same time.

High Availability and load balancing

The basic principle of High Availability is to have two equal machines, both capable of running VSM server. If one of the machines goes down for some reason, the other machine will take over and serve VSM server requests with no or short interruption of service.

Load balancing distributes users’ sessions evenly between servers in a ThinLinc cluster. Servers will be equally loaded, as much as possible.


ThinLinc Master

The ThinLinc Master server (vsmserver) takes care of the following tasks:

  • Keep track of all sessions, and load balances them across multiple agents in a cluster
  • Initial authentication
  • Check for sessions
  • Select terminal server
  • Sends session information back to client


ThinLinc Agent

The ThinLinc Agent (vsmagent) is responsible for starting and hosting the processes that make up a ThinLinc session. Beside that the ThinLinc Agent is establishing tunnels for graphical and local devices. Tunnels are multiplexed over a SSH connection per user.


ThinLinc Client

The ThinLinc Client is connecting twice, first to the master and then again to whichever agent the master decides is best.


Client platforms

Laptops and workstations


Modern web browsers


A wide range of thin clients and terminals running Linux or Windows OS.

and many more.


ThinLinc installation

ThinLinc offers an easy/automated installation and configuration. The ThinLinc installer is smart enough to figure out for itself which platform/architecture you are running on. The tl-setup script prepares your system for use with ThinLinc and allows you to configure it as desired. ThinLinc installation can be completely automated.

ThinLinc update/upgrade

Upgrading an old installation of ThinLinc is easy and simple and is pretty much like installing it from scratch.

ThinLinc Server Installation on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

ThinLinc licensing

ThinLinc is licensed per concurrent user, not per named user or device. The right to use is perpetual and does not terminate with the subscription agreement. However the access to updates and support requires a valid subscription.

Why choose ThinLinc

  • Flexible solution adapted to your infrastructure
  • Easy installation, administration and maintenance
  • Performance which gives a local desktop experience
  • Secure and robust product
  • Enables user to easily move between user devices
  • Centralized solution, data remains safe in server hall
  • Remote access – Freedom and flexibility on your terms
  • Professional technical support

And many more.

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Please contact us and we will get back to you.