ThinLinc usecases
Our clients
Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf
Los Alamos Labs
Linköping University
Purdue University
SoftBank Mobile
ThinLinc is used daily by this Japanese multinational holding conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo. With the help of ThinLinc SoftBank Mobile are able to provide remote access to secure working environments for their employees.
RAND Corporation
BNP Paribas
ThinLinc provides more than a thousand engineers at SAAB with a cost effective development environment across their many departments through centralizing the workplace.
North American Government Research Organization
Professionals working with climate forecast and physical process modeling access the HPC applications from any location and any device in this North American research organization
Indiana University
ThinLinc is used to give hundreds of people graphical access to the university's supercomputer without any noticeable latency. ThinLinc's local drive functionality is very popular at Indiana University.