
ThinLinc Client Software

Looking for older ThinLinc clients? Pick your platform below.

ThinLinc Clients for Windows

ThinLinc Clients for Mac

ThinLinc Clients for Linux RPM

ThinLinc Clients for Linux DEB

ThinLinc Clients for Linux tar.gz

ThinLinc Server Software

Please fill out the form to download the latest complete version of the ThinLinc server in a ZIP file. It allows you to get your Linux Remote Desktop working and test all the ThinLinc functionalities for up to 5 concurrent users. By sharing information about your use case in the form, you help make ThinLinc even better.

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Test ThinLinc in a Docker Container

Normally you would need a proper server or vm to test out ThinLinc. With ThinLinc in a Docker, you can set up a ThinLinc Demo Server in under 5 minutes on any Linux, Windows, or Intel-Mac Computer. The ThinLinc in a Docker Demo was built in collaboration with the open-source specialists of OETIKER+PARTNER AG from Switzerland.

Please fill out the form to download

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Test ThinLinc Ansible Role

Try the community contributed Ansible role for ThinLinc Server. This role takes care of installing, configuring and starting the ThinLinc server software. The ThinLinc server software is not included in this role, and will have to be downloaded separately. This Ansible role comes without support from Cendio AB.

Nightly build clients - development version

Here you can download experimental versions of the ThinLinc Client. Issues that exist in the stable version might be fixed, but since this version of ThinLinc is not yet finished, you should expect other problems and issues.

Please note that these builds are for testing purposes only.


Older client versions - archive

Here you can find older versions of the ThinLinc Client available for download.


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