Ubuntu® and Debian®

The following information relates to installation of ThinLinc on an Ubuntu or Debian platform. Please read the information here before installing ThinLinc, or when encountering problems.

ThinLinc commands are not found

The PATH is not automatically extended with /opt/thinlinc/bin for normal users and /opt/thinlinc/sbin for root on Debian systems. For easy ThinLinc usage, you need to fix this using a system-wide configuration file.

Polkit authentication dialogs during login

Recent versions of Unity, GNOME and KDE contain bugs ([1],[2]) which causes Polkit authentication dialogs to appear during login, when resizing the session etc. It is possible to prevent such dialogs by creating the file /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/40-thinlinc-no-auth-dialogs.pkla with this content:

[Prevent auth dialogs in ThinLinc]

For more information, see Bug 5584.

Gnome screensaver crash

A bug in Gnome screensaver causes it to crash when logging in to ThinLinc. It is recommended to uninstall the package until the bug can be resolved:

$ sudo apt remove gnome-screensaver

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